First European Interstellar Symposium 2024

The use of Textiles as a processing form for space applications
12-05, 11:00–11:20 (Europe/Luxembourg), Banquet Room

Since the dawn of human history, we have sought a fundamental necessity for survival: the hut or the cave as a form of protection. This fundamental aspect of human existence has remained constant throughout history, but the way we think about living has evolved. The resumption of space travel, has made the prospect of living in space become a tangible possibility, revolutionizing the way we think of life. If the house meets the needs on the occupants on Earth the habitat does so in space. This challenge addresses various factors that must be considered when building in an extreme environment. This factor represents a significant challenge for the selection of materials that are optimal for use in space. The use of in situ materials will be a necessity for the construction of habitats on a planetary surface, given that regolith is the most abundant material on it but it is also necessary to consider the use of textiles.

The behaviour of the textile as a form of processing will provide a variety of solutions to the space challenges. One example is the possibility of creating moon fibre from regolith, which could be used as a building material in future lunar bases. The selection of materials for use in space is a crucial decision, but equally important is the manner in which these materials are employed. The choice may fall upon hard or solid structures or alternatively, flexible or mouldable materials. The choice of the most suitable solution is contingent upon the specific applications or requirements, which may include the facilitation of communication, the transport, the production of components, or the construction of habitats. For this ongoing research, a series of experiments will be conducted to assess the applicability of different textiles for the use of outer space habitats.

This approach will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the potential for construction in space. Whether used alone, in combination with other materials such as regolith or as a form of processing textiles offer a multitude of properties that are essential for a space-based operations.